Friday, May 25, 2012

Warning: Road Hazzards Ahead!

We left the house this morning at 7:30 AM on the nose. Being a holiday Friday, we expected to find the traffic tangled on the highways. We actually found the traffic to be quite light and found ourselves on the Pearblossom Highway in no time. All was smooth sailing until we crossed Stateline (which is where the craziness usually begins). Within minutes, we came up on an SUV whose front-end was fully engulfed in flames in the center divider. Two of the passengers were standing along the guard rail watching, while the last Joe was trying to haul and toss as much stuff from the back of the hatch as possible. All that was missing was a fire truck and some marshmallows.

Before you could say blackjack, Greg exclaims "WHOAH... That guy behind us just had a big blow out!" I looked into the side review mirror to see the guy in his car, towing a small trailer, slowly limp to the side of the road in a cloud of dust. Unfortunately, whatever was in the trailer was now decorating the highway.

Just around that time the wind gusts ratcheted up in ernst; the traffic on the 15N began to slow into a 2 lane crawl. It was soon evident why. Some poor soul was driving a conventional trailer and had jackknifed it. The truck went one way, and the trailer ended up in the ditch. I am sure that is not how they anticipated their holiday weekend would begin (or end, for that matter)!

(What you can't see is the truck on it's side and the trailer in the ditch!)

The roads can be treacherous. As is our tradition, Greg and I prayed as we were leaving this morning that God would protect us and grant us safe travels. We are certainly at his mercy when it comes to our safety, and we are just fine with that. So, please love ones be safe out there this weekend! Buckle-up, be kind and courteous, don't speed (be fashionably late, like me). And for Pete's sake, don't text or drink and drive. Take a cab, they need a paycheck too.

At the end of the day, we made it safely to beautiful Southern Utah and the gateway to Zion National Park, Springdale. Tomorrow we'll enjoy the splendor of one of my favorite parks!

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