Thursday, May 24, 2012

T - Minus and counting!

It has been a good two years since Greg, and I hitch up the rig for some serious travel. Family duties called, and we needed to put our road maps and passports away for a time. Now we are just seven hour away from an EPIC (I love that word) adventure.

We are driving from California to Minneapolis and back! The classic ROAD TRIP!! Just Greg, I and the pup, on a round trip gig of 4746 miles!

We plan to see America in all of its glory! I few high points of the trip are, Zion National Park, Mount Rushmore & the Crazy Horse Monument, the Badlands of South Dakota, The old Domeier Homestead in Ohiowa Nebraska, the Colorado Rockies, Lake Tahoe a few Ghosts towns and a wonderful wedding in Minneapolis (some how it doesn't seem right putting this highlight next to a ghost town, sorry Kelsey).

The trailer has been reorganized and is now packed to the gills. Every nook and cranny of our glorious 32" has something in it. One reason I know we have everything with us, is because my house has never looked sooooo clean! It's nice to have all the comforts of home along for the ride. Sort of makes me wonder why we are leaving?

Anyway, Greg wanted me not to over pack. As we all know, fuel is a bit pricy these days (understatement alert!!). So, I did get rid of a few pieces of Tupperware and a 1981 Audubon guide. That should help lighten the load, don't cha-think!

I hope you will come on this journey with us. Who really know what a month on the road will do to us? I promise to share the good the bad and the ugly with all of you. Just think of is as a new season of survivor. Instead of getting voted off the island, one of us may end up stranded at a truck stop in Duluth!

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