Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Moose, is loose!!

The last time our family spent some quality time in Wyoming was 20 years ago. As we explored the great national parks, we would tell our kids (four and seven at the time) to keep their eyes open because "The Moose, Is Loose!" which always made them giggle.

Today Greg and I went for a walk through Bear River Park, which is strangely not that far off of highway 80. We stopped on one of the bridges crossing the Bear River only to find out that "The Moose, was indeed Loose!" and standing on the river bank about 25 feet away from us. The cow was alone, with no calf insight (thankfully). She just stood there, looking at us until Lucky saw her and started barking like crazy. She perked up, stood still for about two minutes then turned and ran off downstream. Needless to say we went the other way down the trail, lest we meet up with her mightiness again.

Here she is in all her glory!

The park is also a preserve for some Bison and elk. In the Bison pasture were some calves and they were so cute.

The elks were hiding down in the tall grass. All you could see were their enormous heads and racks.

I have to say Evanston is a charming old western town, and the wild life is a joy to behold!

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