Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I just can't explain it. There is something about this town...

We drove into Mazatlan yesterday afternoon, and I felt a genuine sense of excitement and joy. As we wound our way down through Centro to Passeo Claussen, I actually felt a sense of peace come over me. And that is understandable when you come face to face with the rolling waves of the Pacific in all of its glimmering-glory. It's like we arrive at summerland. Young and old walking, jogging, rolling down the Malecon. Faces with ice cream flavored smiles and squealing kids tumbling through the surf. This is what you see in JANUARY! Yep, it's summerland here is glorius old Mazatlan. We left snow in Nogales and arrived to 80 degrees. I just love the Tropic of Cancer.

We've unpacked and have settled in, for a sadly brief two weeks here in Summerland. With the weather so warm, we decided that we needed something cool for dinner. So this morning we visited the shrimp ladies (I am not being politically incorrect, as this has nothing to do with their size or shape), they sell fresh shrimp and lobster on one of the streets in Centro.

Greg and I were presented with bucket after bucket of icy shrimp and lobsters of all variety. I felt like I was Bubba-Gump for a moment. At last, we found the prize, some sweet river shrimp that would make the perfect ceviche and two stately looking lobsters that were destine for our gullets. They cleaned and bagged a kilo of shrimp and muscled the lobster-beasts into and bag for us and we headed back to the house with our treasures of the sea in hand.

Being Monday, I had work to do, so I made for my new office, while Greg prepared the Ceviche. I must admit that it was hard to concentrate with the memorizing view and the smell of cilantro and onions wafting up from the kitchen. So, in the true spirit of Mexico I said " oh well, perhaps I will get more accomplished mañana ".

Then I did the logical thing, I slipped off my shoes, opened a bottle of white and waited patiently for the shrimp to turn pink.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So far, so great!

We left a drippy and strangely snowy Nogales Arizona early this morning and made for the border crossing. It was so odd to see street corner taco vendors selling their fare from mittened hands. Not exactly the ideal photo for the Mexican tourist board to use.

Thank goodness a swift two hour drive down the well maintained cuota (or toll road), in the "Hassel Free Vehicle Zone", I might add, brought us to sunny and warm San Carlos Bay. Now, I am not sure what happens at the end of the "Zone" in 98 kilometers, but I suspect that is where the hassles begin. I let you know if that is a fact.

Anyway, we had a great lunch of savory fish tacos and sautéed shrimp at a nice patio café called Bananas. The waitress even made sure Lucky, or as he is now referred to, Senior Suerte, or Mr. Lucky, was comfortable. To celebrate our success of making it thus far, we each had a refreshing Margarita. Ahhh, I love life in the no Hassle Zone. I think I need to declare my office a "No Hassle Zone" when I get back to civilization (a term which I use loosely).

After eating the last chip and sucking the limes for good measure, we decided to stretch our legs before hitting the road again. We walked down the street and were awe-struck by the beauty of San Carlos bay. Senior Suerte went crazy. He ran around like a like a dog freed from a rolling prison (two days in a car will do that to you). I was amazed by all of the magnificent shells on the beach. I now have another use for poop bags, shell collecting! Works great.

We jumped back on the cuota and made of our stop for the night Cuidad Obregon. We were there by 4:00PM. The hotel a Quality Inn was at least twelve stars over last nights Motel 6 (sorry Tom, you can turn the light off now). The plan is to grab a quick dinner get a good night sleep and to be up by seven to head for our final south-bound destination of Mazatlan.

Haste Luego!

Senior Suerte es fini!

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's back...but I am already gone!

Yes, in fact, I did fall off the face of the earth. I went to the planet "holiday-land". Where I was menaced by orange goblins, angry turkeys, wrapping paper elves and a big fat guy, in a moth eaten red suit. Boy... am I glad that I have re-entered the earth's atmosphere!

Okay, that's a lie. I just got side-tracked and neglected my blog. So, I apologize. Forgive me and I promise to get back to a schedule of more regular postings.

I am writing this from, a well, less than luxury Motel 6 in Nogales Arizona, on the Mexican boarder. Greg, Lucky (the wonder dog) and I, set out this morning, in the rain, with the Champagne-super-nova (AKA the Privia mini-van) stuffed to the roof, for a road trip all the way down to sunny Mazatlan, Mexico. Where we will be staying in the Centro Historico district for the next two weeks.

We are determined to discover if two Gringos and a wonder dog can survive the long drive with its perils, and if we can blend into the scene in Ole' Meheeco! Greg and I made an initial incursion into Mazatlan last November for a week. And, I must say that we came back pretty smitten with the charm of Maz. Hence this longer gig and even one more planned for a month this coming May.

I know that some of my friends and colleagues think we've gone loco, and that very well may be. But we are having fun. So, stay tuned... this blog could get pretty interesting real quick!

Adios for now.