Friday, September 19, 2014

Talavara, trailers and scorpions don't mix!

When we sold our house in T.O. California, I did a three way pack. Stuff to the new T.O. house, to Mexico and to deep storage (code for who knows if we will ever see that stuff again).

The boxes that were packed for Mexico contained treasures that I collected from our travels for the past many years.

One box contained my beloved Talavara plates and serving pieces. These are not the low grade sloppy pottery sold at the trinket shops, but the real deal from Puebla. These gems were making a home coming.

The journey from California is a three day topa (speed bump) filled trip. My box of Talavera was bubbled wrapped to the max, and perched carefully in the back of our gypsy wagon-trailer.

Today was unpacking day, at last. Those boxes have been sealed for three solid months! We have some ancient, built in cabinets in our hacienda dining room, that would be their new residence. When Greg set the now dented, squished and sliced box before me, I felt a bit queasy.

I said quick prayer and sliced her open. Under the first layer of bubble wrap was my first shock...a scorpion! Scissors in hand, I lopped the suckers tail off, only to discover that it was already quite dead. Thank God. I think it squirmed its way in while sitting in our friends entry way ( a known scorpion hang out).

The next layer revealed what I feared most, a crumbled mess of pottery. I almost cried. I just looked up and said Okay Lord, you brought me to this great house, with your help, I hope to place a few unbroken pieces on these shelves.

Below the shattered platter were twelve perfect plates, salad dishes, and a handful of desert cups. Service for twelve, not a bad repatriation after all.

I can't tell how joyful I felt placing these sentimental plates of clay in their new home. A few didn't survive the journey, but most did.

It's kind of symbolic and it reminds me how precious each journey truly is.

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