Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Exit Plan

On her eighteenth birthday, our youngest daughter Katy proclaimed "all your kids are adults now Mom". That statement made it official; we are on the cusp of being "empty nesters".

It’s true. Megan, the oldest, has been out building a life of her own for over eight years now. Sarah has just graduated from collage this past June and dreams daily of moving into her own swanky apartment. And the youngest Katy is off to the Vidal Sassoon School to learn how to make other people look “fabulous”.
Lucky for us, Greg and I have seen all this coming for some time now. Little by little and with God's divine intervention, we have been altering our lives to get ready for the next phase – L.A.L.K (aka. Life after little kids!). It’s exciting. We look at each other and we can’t believe how fortunate we are and how well things are lining up for the future.
Here is where we are at. Four years ago, Greg parted ways with a company he had worked at for twenty years and went into business for himself. He can work from anywhere now. I am a salesperson for an industry where I can work from anywhere (I love technology!). We are both passionate about travel, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, altruism and after twenty-five years, each other.
Our plan is to begin adventuring. Just us two. Well, make that three, our dog Lucky, has become the replacement child (right Sarah), so he is part of the plan. We have bought a newer, bigger, fifth wheel trailer and diesel truck for adventures closer to home.
We’ve had a few delightful test runs and we are ready to start striking out in earnest. Our only requirement is; that where ever we travel, we get good cell phone service to access the net and that the kids who are still living at home water the plants, feed the cat and don’t host any raves while we are away (remember – you are all adults now).

This blog is our effort to chronicle our dreaming, planning, escapades and the journey itself. You're invited to join in the fun!


  1. Greg & Renee, I'm looking forward to hearing how all this unfolds. Isn't it a great big wonderful world we live in? We've still got a few good "walking years" left - let's put 'em to good use.



  2. Thanks for following Mark. I should probably add a collective "parts replacement column" to the site for interest!
