Monday, March 30, 2015

Everything is Fabuloso!

I know, I am a bad blogger.  I disappeared again. But not to worry, everything here in Mazatlan is Fabuloso!
This popular cleaning product (of which an entire aisle of super market is dedicated) really sums up our condition since my last post.  We've been so busy, and accomplished so much in the last two months, that I have barely had time to grab a siesta or two, let alone find the time to sit and write.
So, let me make amends and bring you up to speed.

The end of January, and beginning of February was crazy around the Hacienda.  We were in high-construction gear, trying to have everything ready for our first visitors, Julie and Randy, Karen and Issac.

With a deadline of February 9th. looming, we had as many as thirteen workers in the house at one time chipping, banging, plastering, plumbing, painting, electrical and so on.  It was a beehive of activity.  I was on stand-by, as each room was finishing, to do blitz-decorating.  Here is what some of that process looked like..
Our Main workers, Brothers Daniel & Jose

Repairing the lights in the fountain

Restoring the antique Stained Glass Windows

Greg above, looking a bit bewildered in the midst of the chaos!

Some how, we managed to pull it off! We had the guest bath, the portico and two beautiful bedrooms done and waiting for our friends arrivals.  Here are some of the after shots:

We are pretty happy about the way the spaces have turned out. Our friends told us, "you didn't buy a house, you bought a resort". I guess it really does feel like a resort, and we are just fine with that.  Although, the resort was not so tranquil over Carnaval.  All of the traffic that normally goes along the Malecon was rerouted, and went right past our casa, with loud blaring music until 4 or 5 in the morning!! So if you want to experience Rio or New Orleans visit us during Carnaval, but don't expect to get any sleep!

Here we are during the some of the Carnaval festivities:

After our friends left, and Carnaval ended, it took about a week for us to catch up on our sleep and recover over all.  We took a break from construction for another few weeks, just to get ourselves and the house sorted out.  Man, was that glorious. Sleeping in until eight or so, and not dealing with the constant dust and noise of the work. But we had to get back at it, as there is still much to do around the hacienda.

Along with the sleep, we caught up on some social activities with all of our Maz friends. We went out and enjoyed all of the fun entertainment that the city has to offer.  I even played a small bit in a murder mystery dinner theater performance one night.
Gettin my ham-bone on!

With Friends Contessa and Colin.
We also hosted our very first party at the hacienda on St. Patty's day.  Greg corned ten kilos of beef, and he then made all of the side dishes, carrots, colcannon and Irish soda bread.  We even managed to find a good quantity of Guinness beer to serve.
A house full of friends

Doing my best to man the roulette wheel for some luck 'o the Irish!

Lovely lady friends!
Most of our Canadian friends are starting to head back north for the summer. We have been meeting up with them as much as possible, to enjoy their company before they head out. Besides that, Greg and I have gone to the theater for a dance program, laughed our heads off at a comedy show and enjoyed many evenings of music in the Plazuela Machado.  Our new life in Mexico is really full of adventure, fun, friends and contentment.

I promise that I will carve out the time to update you on a more regular basis.  This way my next entry won't be as long as War and Peace.

With Love, and adios for now!